
.NET wrapper for the TrueVault API

View the Project on GitHub hsrob/TrueVault.Net


.NET wrapper for the TrueVault API

What is TrueVault, and what is this library?

TrueVault is a Secure API to store health data. See their website at for more information.

This library is a simple, strongly-typed .NET wrapper around TrueVault's RESTful API.

Features (:white_check_mark: Completed and :heavy_minus_sign: Planned)


Install via NuGet Install-Package TrueVault.Net or clone the repository, make sure NuGet packages are restored, and compile.

External Dependencies

  • ServiceStack.Text 3.9.71
  • AutoMapper 3.2.1

Test Project Only

  • NBuilder
  • NUnit 2.6.3

Release Notes

Version 1.0.3

Version 1.0.2



Create a new instance of the TrueVault client, passing in your TrueVault API key, and you're ready to go!

var trueVaultClient = new TrueVaultClient("{TrueVault API Key}");

JSON Document Store API

Creating a Document

This library automatically handles Base64 conversion and serialization. You only need to pass an instance of Type T to save it to TrueVault. T can be any class with a parameterless constructor.

A document can be created with or without the optional schemaId parameter via the appropriate overloaded CreateDocument<T> method.

Getting Document(s)

Individual Document by ID

GetDocument<T> is used to retrieve a single document from TrueVault, and will directly return an instance of Type T. Base64 conversion and deserialization is handled for you.

Multiple Specific Documents by ID

MultiGetDocuments<T> retrieves a MultiDocumentResponse, which contains a list of DocumentResponse in its Documents property. You can use the DeserializeDocuments<T> method to extract and return the wrapped document instances as Type T.

Each DocumentResponse exposes a DeserializeDocument<T> method, which extracts and returns the individual document as Type T. DocumentResponse contains the TrueVault document ID in its Id property, as well as the raw serialized Base64 encoded JSON string in its Document property.

Paginated List of All Documents

GetDocumentList retrieves a DocumentGetListResponse, which contains a Data property, which in turn contains info about the request, and List<DocumentGetListItem> in its Items property. You can use the DeserializeDocuments<T> method to extract and return the wrapped document instances as Type T.

Each DocumentGetListItem exposes a DeserializeDocument<T> method, which extracts and returns the individual document as Type T. DocumentGetListItem contains the TrueVault document ID in its Id property, the TrueVault Schema ID the document was indexed under (if any) in its SchemaId property, the TrueVault Vault ID in its VaultId property, and the raw serialized Base64 encoded JSON string in its Document property.

Schema API

Creating a Schema

Create a new instance of Schema or Schema<T>.

You can pass new instances of SchemaField via the Schema/Schema<T> constructor, or simply add them to the Fields List after construction. Check the Intellisense notes for further details about the various properties.

Schema<T> is derived from Schema, but it isn't necessary to use this generic version. It simply adds a convenience method, RegisterNestedField<TNested>, which accepts fieldExpression, which is a MemberExpression pointing to a complex property on T, and nestedFieldExpression, which is a MemberExpression pointing to a primitive property on TNested. This method will also attempt to determine the TrueVault Schema compatible type of the property on TNested. See the Intellisense notes and Unit Tests for further details.

When your Schema is ready, call TrueVaultClient.CreateSchema to save it, which will return a SchemaSaveSuccessResponse, containing a Schema property that should be the same as the Schema you saved.

Getting Schema(s)

Call TrueVaultClient.GetSchema and TrueVaultClient.GetSchemaList to get one or all Schemas, respectively. The responses will contain a Schema or IEnumerable<Schema>, respectively.

Exception Handling

When the library catches a WebException, it will make an attempt to parse and unwrap the error object in an error response from TrueVault. It will throw a new WebException with the original exception in the InnerException property, and a message formatted as follows, where response is the error response body returned by TrueVault.

TrueVault Transaction ID {response.transaction_id} - {HTTP Status Code} Error (Type: {response.error.type}) [Code: {response.error.code}]: {response.error.message}

Running the Tests

Update App.config in the TrueVault.Net.Test project with the values you wish to use for testing. Please note that the tests use the TrueVault API, so you may incur a small amount of usage by running them. Per the license, you agree that I cannot be held responsible for any usage charges, fees, overages, etc. you may incur by running the tests.


Pull requests are welcome. If you're planning on adding a major feature, please contact me first to make sure it fits with the direction of the library, and that I'm not already working on it!


This library is made available under The MIT License. By using this library, you agree to the terms of that license.